Saturday, November 14, 2009

Christian Corner – 11/14/09


  Paul is talking about passing judgment on folks in matters that
are central to our faith. He reminds us whose job it is to judge
these sorts of matters. He also reminds us that the person we are
judging actually belongs to the Lord and what right do we have to
pass judgment on that person. So often we can find fault with
others, pass judgment on them about some inconsequential matter,
but then never deal with the blatant sin in our own life. Let's
remember that we will answer to God for what we do every bit as
much as someone we are wrongly passing judgment upon.

  Father, forgive me. I confess that I have wrongly passed
judgment on others when I had no right or authority to do so. I
know Jesus died to redeem them. I know you love them and have a
plan for each of them. Please use me to be an encouragement, never
a stumbling block, to them. In Jesus' name I pray. Amen.
Thanks to

The Church as Agent of Change by T. M. Moore
   "You are the salt of the earth...You are the light of the world...let your light so shine before others, that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven."  Matthew 5:13-16
   As the temple, nation, and servants of the Lord Jesus, church members are weapons of righteousness in His hands, equipped, sent, and active in seeking first the Kingdom of God and His beauty, goodness, and truth in the world.
   Jesus is building His Church as an agent of change, an epicenter of transformation to reflect the good purposes and character of the Lord in a world of unbelief and sin. Read Entire Article

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