Friday, November 13, 2009

Christian Calling – 11/13/09

Therefore let us stop passing judgment on one another. Instead,
make up your mind not to put any stumbling block or obstacle in
your brother's way. Romans 14:13

It is so easy to be judgmental of others. We don't know their
struggles. We don't know their situation. Most of all, we don't
know their hearts. When we are judgmental, we erect a barrier
between others and ourselves. We often spread that judgmental
impression to others in gossip. Our stubbornness to only view them
with a judgmental spirit erects a barrier, a stumbling block, which
can cause them to become discouraged and stumble.

Father, please be with my attitude toward others. Help me be
more patient with the failures of others, just as you are patient
with mine. Forgive me for not being more of an encouragement to
those who are weak and struggling. Forgive me for sometimes being a
hindrance to others. Please use me to be a blessing. In Jesus'
name. Amen. Thanks to Heartlight

Today's Verse is also available in:

God's heart is the most sensitive and tender of all. No act goes
unnoticed, no matter how insignificant or small. -- Richard J. Foster

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