Thursday, October 29, 2009

Principles before party or politics? You betcha! There's an American slow train coming!

What good does it do for Americans to keep choking on "Big Tent" politics that have gotten us to a point in time where most of our politicians, GOP or Democrat, don't have a principle left to stand on?

We keep letting our leaders, entrenched in chronyism and self-service, dictate who should run, cutting off the democratic process long before we ever get to the elections. Even when we have some say through the primary process, our money and organizations get thrown behind some chairman's favorite candidate, usually the candidate that has sufficiently kow-towed and supported that chairman's coffers.

By the time we get to an election, we generally have two politicians running with centrist verbiage, telling us things they don't believe in order to fill that "big tent". They talk out of both sides of their mouth so fast and furiously that we have no idea where they stand.

Fortunately, our current batch of party hacks don't seem to have a clue. The idea that principles should trump politics seems to be foreign to their fiefdoms and sinecures. They are too busy counting their votes and trying to put an R or a D in front of some self-serving politician's name.

There's a slow train coming and our politicians don't seem to know it. This may be a good thing - maybe this American train will run them over before they realize principles should trump politics - and party!

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