Tuesday, October 27, 2009

5 Messages for 'Elite' Republicans - YOU GUYS blew it in 2006 and 2008, not us.

John Hawkins at Townhall.com blasts the GOP:
Conservatives are sick and tired of being taken for granted, misrepresented, and talked down to by the same "elite" Republicans in Washington who hopelessly screwed everything up during the Bush years. Everybody knows exactly whom we're talking about here. The same snobby, elitist, stuffed shirt, squishy, poll-obsessed Country Club Republicans who went to D.C., forgot who put them there, wasted the incredible opportunity they had to change this country for the better, and are now pointing the finger at everyone except themselves for their mistakes
His Five Messages to the cronyistic GOP are right on:
We're not going back to the Bush years...
This country can't survive if you're as childish as the Democrats...
Stop sabotaging our candidates...
"There will be no elite in a bankrupt America." --
You're not as smart as you think you are...
Big-Tent politics are really, really self-defeating, particularly when those in the tent don't have lasting moral convictions derived from enduring conservative principles.

Read the entire Hawkins post here....

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