Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Facts, not rants!: Laugh, cry, rage or use today's PM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets!

Did anybody notice that BHO, months later, still hasn't given us a health plan, just concepts and misdirection?
BHO's speech was the same old liberal rant tonight - attack without facts and slur without truth. Folks, he blew it!
BHO's uninsured # went from 47MM to 30MM. I guess he threw the illegal immigrants under the bus!
GO GREEN! Re-cycle Congress!
BHO > Your slip is showing: Put Kids First and Reauthorize the DC Opportunity Scholarship Program
"You cannot help the poor by destroying the rich." Unknown
"Where I found truth, there found I my God, who is the truth itself." St. Augustine
"Now devote your heart and soul..." - Today's Christian Verse Image
ACORN Watch! In yet another state fraud, ACORN Turns in Florida Workers on Voter Fraud Charges
Laugh, cry, rage or use today's AM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets!

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