Thursday, September 17, 2009

Facts, not rants!: Laugh, cry, rage or use today's AM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets!

Hoover Institution fellow Victor Davis Hanson writing at

"The public is not really stupid and has a long memory. It hates hypocrisy as much as it does crudity. Part of Obama's decline is precisely because of this sudden disingenuousness in which one rises to the top on hardball, Chicago politics and playing identity politics (remember Rev. Wright, Ayers, "typical white people", clingers, etc.), and then of course wants an end to the crudity (like hoping the music stops only when you have grabbed that last chair).
The Stimulus Didn't Work! > Data show govt transfers and rebates have not increased consumption at all.
SHAME! BHO Surrenders to Russia & Snubs US Allies... Scraps European Missile Defense Program
BHO may be turning a deaf ear on the lib/prog racist smears but note that his mouth is also mute on opposing those smears!
March on Washington: How Big Was the Crowd? > A whole lot bigger than reported by Fox and others!
HYPOCRISY Watch! Triple-snort-worthy: White House “distances” itself from ACORN
Liberals Are More Selfish Than Conservatives
BHO nominates Radical Abortion Advocate > "There is no ‘father’ and no ‘child’ – just a fetus.”
Liberal Lies on National Health Care: Joe Wilson Edition
Hope for Survival - A Christian Devotional
Facts, not rants!: Laugh, cry, rage or use yesterday's PM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets!

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