Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Facts, not rants!: Laugh, cry, rage or use today's AM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets!

God's Goodness Will Pursue You - A Christian Devotional http://ow.ly/pqdl
ACORN Watch: Why Are $948,000 Embezzlement Coverup Conspirators Still at ACORN? http://ow.ly/podp
Easy Email your elected officials that you oppose new financial agencies. http://ow.ly/po96
"Guard against the impostures of pretended patriotism." - George Washington
Cheat on your taxes & writing tax law? Keep your position. Heckle the president during a speech? Sanction http://ow.ly/pnZs
"For me, words [tweets] are a form of action, capable of influencing change." Ingrid Bengis
BHO trying to sidestep TX and CA results proving the biggest health care money-saver is tort reform http://ow.ly/pnL5
ACORN Watch! Video: Greasy ACORN spokesman greasier and more sickening than ever! http://ow.ly/pnIl
HALL OF SHAME! GOP Sens. who sat out today's vote on ACORN: Burr, Coburn, Graham, Gregg, Hutchison, MCCAIN, Vitter
Facts, not rants!: Laugh, cry, rage or use yesterday's PM Daily Nuggets as great, easy-to-use tweets! http://ow.ly/pnj2

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