Sunday, August 23, 2009

What If Obamacare Actually Happens?

by Austin Hill at

What if a health care bill actually passes in the Congress, and President Obama signs it into law?

Given the ways in which his “hope” and “change” are being embraced across the nation right now, such a legislative “victory” for Mr. Obama could be the worst thing, politically, for his presidency and his party.

Earlier this year, I contemplated here in this column how Obama’s behavior tends to be woefully inconsistent with his rhetoric, and how our President has a propensity for “doing the opposite” of what he says. For example, as a candidate Obama insisted that he is not a “big government” advocate, but then as President proposed a federal budget in excess of $3.5 trillion (Treasury Secretary Tim Geithner is now asking Congress to raise the federal debt ceiling above $12 trillion for fear that there won‘t be money to fund Obama‘s budget after October of this year). As a candidate Obama decried the “petty distractions” and “partisan politics as usual” that stifle honest dialog, and prevent people from focusing on the real important issues. Yet from the White House Obama unleashed an intentional and strategic game of publicly demonizing talk show host Rush Limbaugh earlier this year; it appeared that members of his Administration “organized” their “friends” to demonstrate in front of the private homes of AIG Executives to harrass them for having earned bonuses from their employer last Spring; and last week Obama himself told participants in a faith-based organizing conference call that he needed their help to sell his health care take-over plans, admonishing that “I need you to knock on doors, talk to neighbors, spread the facts and speak the truth” (great “community organizing,” but not particularly presidential).

But just as President Obama has established a clear pattern of ignoring many of his campaign promises and “doing the opposite” in so many areas of his presidency, it is also true that on many economic matters, Obama is essentially in lock-step with what he promised on the campaign trail. He campaigned as an economic redistributionist. As President, he has most certainly been a redistributionist, and has displayed little comprehension or respect for the free-market economy..........

If “Obamacare” comes to pass, it will be a significant fulfillment of President Obama’s vision of a “transformed” America. But it will not be what Americans want.

Be sure to read the rest here......

1 comment:

  1. well, it will be what one American wants - me.
