Friday, August 28, 2009

Laugh, cry, rage or use Today's Daily Nuggets individually as great, easy-to-use tweets!

No rationing-less cost-no abortions = Liberal Lies in National Health Care: Second in a Series
INCREDIBLE! So much for transparency! > Federal Reserve Says Disclosing Loans Will Hurt Banks
RT @dailyobamajokes: California gave us Mickey. Illinois gave us Obama.
BRILLIANT! Problem with ObamaCare is not drs. or insurance cos., it's 3rd Party Purchases:
RT @michellemalkin: Culture of corruption: Crime-coddling AG Holder drops charges against crony Bill Richardson:
Obamunism! Health Care and Religious Freedom: Forced to Choose?
Had my SS and MC been put in private savings accounts, I'd be a whole lot better off, not govt. dependent, and FREER!
If you think drama is loudly and frequently opposing what BHO is doing to this country and Christianity, so be it!
Read what the Pied Piper of Chicago has tried to lead us away from: Ras.: America's Best Days
"Nothing makes a man, or a body of men, as mad as the truth. If there is no truth in it, they laugh it off." Will Rogers
"Truth is incontrovertible, ignorance can deride it, panic may resent it, malice may destroy it, but there it is." Sir W. Churchill
WOW! Obama's Health Rationer-in-Chief Emanuel blames the Hippocratic Oath for 'overuse' of medical care.
Axelrod lied! Seniors would lose with health 'reform': Obama Targets Medicare Advantage
"Never allow a crisis to go to waste." >> Oh, no: Here comes Open Borders For Teddy
Honor our warriors by reading "A Truly Wonderful Dog Story" #honorvets
TRULY SCARY! Court orders Christian student to attend public school
What's this tell us about BHO? Top Five Yes Men in the Obama Administration
Great apologetics! Sense perception > Is Faith the Product of an Irrational Mind?
Little Us, Big Kingdom - Luke 13:18-21 > A Christian Devotional

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