Thursday, August 27, 2009

Laugh, cry, rage or use Today's Daily Nuggets individually as great, easy-to-use tweets!

DESPICABLE and might get agents killed! : ACLU: Spying for America's Enemies
It's OK for BHO to invoke God but not Christians?>>Obama and Faith
"Uncharted and profoundly dangerous territory"-The Spending Sickness Makes for Unhealthy Reform
VAT Watch! WH promises next year's budget will ".put the nation on a fiscally sustainable path."
TAX WATCH>Taxes too high? You ain't seen nothing yet >>The High Cost of Liberalism
Is ACORN using up its 9 lives? : ACORN in Retreat
Are we broke yet? 9,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$=Deficit; 50,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$+ Unfunded Liabilities; USGov 2009 Revenues=2,$$$,$$$,$$$,$$$
Here's an interesting and revolutionary concept >> EARN IT
"..let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth." 1 John 3:18
Here are 2 very interesting and revolutionary concepts>>PRAY for it and then go EARN it! Please RT to help spread this!
Gotta love this! Both sides lose! Big PhRMA gets back-stabbed and BHO loses his crooked deal!
Just posted: "Let love and faithfulness never leave you.." > Today's Christian Verse and Image

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