Friday, August 21, 2009

Laugh, cry, rage at today's Daily Nuggets which also make good tweets!

TORT REFORM NOW! Health care reform that actually works in TX!
ObamaCare Lie #1: National health care will punish the insurance companies:
Oh...oh!!! ACORN Watch: Former LA field director pleads and agrees to testify:
Unreal: MSNBC edits clip of man with gun at Obama rally to support racism narrative
?#1: Why are liberal evangelists even listening to BHO when they risk govt intervention (IRS) if they use the pulpit to support him?
?#2: Why are liberal evangelists listening to BHO when the ACLU is trying to CRIMINALIZE Christianity in NorthFL?
"Honest differences are often a healthy sign of progress." Mahatma Gandhi
INCREDIBLE mismanagement!! A Cash for Clunkers dealer says Hands Off Healthcare
BHO's Health Care Reform became Health Insurance Reform and now a "core ethical and moral obligation":
"Obama the Theocrat ... came across as a bumbling, lying demagogue" addressing religious groups:
YES!!!! Zogby: 45.3 % of likely voters approve, 50.5 % disapprove of the job BHO is doing. Lib/progs are more & more desperate!
SCARY!! Former Bush foe now "finally scared of a White House Administration" re ObamaCare:

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