Monday, August 10, 2009

"It's beginning to look a lot like Venezuela around here."


Re: Philip Klein's Friend or Foil?:

It's beginning to look a lot like Venezuela around here. Rat out your fellow citizens who disagree with the Obamamessiah, so he can add them to his Enemies List. Send paid union thugs to intimidate citizen protests at town hall meetings. Scapegoat doctors, insurance companies, drug companies, hospitals, and any other useful parts of the current healthcare system (even though many of the relevant associations have thrown in with the Obamamessiah to try to cut the best deal possible, and regardless of member sentiment). Legislative leaders engage in loose talk to characterize concerned citizens as Nazis, racists, rightwing extremists, and all the other bogeymen of the statist imagination. All this because the loony left is unwilling to engage in a debate over its healthcare goals, instead relying on fraudulent talking points and the politics of personal destruction.........

Phony is phony, Mr. Klein, and propaganda is propaganda. The debate over something as crucial as what to do with a health care system that is broken beyond repair should never come down to this kind of paid thuggery and deliberate fear mongering (kill your grandma, indeed!) which increases the paranoia of the ignorant and threatens the very structures that we count on to keep us free enough to have debates.
-- Lee Russ

If anyone thinks Barack Obama is their friend, that delusion shows lack of awareness of the Illinois community organizer's credo that power and self-interest are all that matter.

Read all of it here....

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