Thursday, August 6, 2009

Intimidate and silence, or at the bare minimum--report : Welcome to Gestapo-care

By Kevin McCullough at

So what has the White House told supporters to do when you run across those who spread "disinformation" about the new attempt by the Obama administration to install the anti-competitive practices of a "public option" into a federalized universal health care initiative?

Report them.

Whether its communicated through e-mail, websites, blogs, or even casual conversation the executive branch of the federal government is asking you to make them aware of this "disinformation" because they can't keep track of all of the dissenters themselves.......

......At dozens of the townhall meetings taking place back in individual districts this month, numbers of reports have surfaced that ACCORN members have taken to publicly berating normal citizens who are simply there to ask the questions they have about the viability of a plan that requires the Government to spend an additional $1,000,000,000 dollars. They wonder this especially when 85% of people in America are satisfied and content with the health insurance system they've already chosen to engage.

So what's the answer to good old fashioned grass roots voters actually being engaged with their Congressional Reps and U.S. Senators while they're home during the August break?

The White House believes it's best to intimidate and silence, or at the bare minimum--report.

Read the rest at .....

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