Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bribery Watch! The Business Consequences of Challenging Obama's Statist Policies

by Tom Borelli at

The politics of business is getting perilous for CEOs trying to traverse the ideological battle between capitalism and socialism.

Whole Foods CEO John Mackey is under fire for offering free-market solutions to health care while GE CEO Jeff Immelt is benefiting from adopting a strategy in which the government is his partner.

Indeed, the contrasting approaches to Obama’s political agenda offered by Mackey and Immelt illustrate the risks and benefits of dealing with the president’s statist policies.........

Although Mackey is far from a right-winger, his free-market view of health care and labor made him a target of Obama’s supporters.

In contrast, GE’s Immelt is “all in” with Obama’s policy agenda and it’s paying off handsomely........

Unfortunately, it appears that CEOs whose business strategies are in sync with Obama’s calls for greater government control will be rewarded while those who confront Obama’s plans for America will be punished.

This observation may explain why drug companies are lining up to cut a deal with Obama on health care and energy and utility companies are cutting deals with Congress on cap-and-trade.

Because of the critical role corporations play in public policy, liberty-minded citizens need to be willing to engage CEOs as they do elected officials. Participation at shareholder meetings and tea party rallies at corporate headquarters should be on the agenda.

Otherwise, business leaders will take the path of least resistance. They will join Obama and selling all of us out.

Please read this whole important article here

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